Madeline Garvis is a volunteer for the Houston-based shelter BARC. Recently an 11-year-old dog arrived at the shelter named Bear.
The senior dog was brought to the shelter in June and still couldn’t find a home. No one wanted to adopt the senior dog as many of the adopters prefer puppies to senior ones. Bear lost his hope too. He was lying in his kennel very depressed and ended up on the euthanasia list.
However, Madeline made up her mind to take Bear for an outside walk. It turned out that Bear wasn’t so sad and he knew how to wad his tail and walk with a leash. Madeline was surprised and shared her feelings and experience connected to bearing with others. Soon a miracle happened.
A few hours before Bear’s euthanasia, the sweet dog got adopted and gained a loving family. So glad that the dog wasn’t euthanized without any reason and now lives happily with his new family.