Finally a Forever Home
Although she wasn’t planning to adopt a new pup, seeing Flip’s photo was a deal breaker.
“Flip…melted my heart, and his story melted it even more,” Schorr said, adding that she knew she wanted her next pet to be an older dog “that needed some TLC.” The Society told Schorr that Flip was currently in a foster home and that they didn’t know much about his history, except that he spent time at a shelter in Youngstown and likely experienced abuse early in his life.

Still, Schorr made the 3-hour drive to the shelter to meet Flip.”They told me he might not warm up to me at first, but it was just the opposite. He came and sat next to me, and he even gave me kisses,” Schorr told PEOPLE. Next up, Flip made a house call. “Flip trotted right in and made himself at home!” said Flip’s new pet parent.
Never too Late to Adopt
“Flip is a very loving dog and loves to cuddle on the couch with you… We take walks around the neighborhood, and he is the perfect dog. He is adjusting very well to being out of the shelter. He actually slept with me in bed the other night for the first time ever in his life. He was in heaven!” she said. “I am confident Flip will be just fine living with me in his forever home. I love him so much already,” she continued, adding that she hopes Flip’s story inspires others to adopt their next pet.

“There are so many loving dogs that just need a chance to become your furry friend. Some may need more care and attention than others, but they all deserve it. The tail wag, kiss on the cheek, or smile on their face lets you know how much you are appreciated. It is never too late — Adopt!”