A former St Louis fire captain took Twitter to announce that his beloved dog just passed away, and he wanted to share with the world a few words in the honor of his loyal friend. But his tweet went viral, touching the heart of thousands. Read on to find out what Gregg Favre wrote that made such an impact!
The two friends have initially met in 2008 during a rescue. Back then, Captain Gregg Favre raced into a burning house to save the people trapped inside. He found among scared residents an equally frightened dog. Fearlessly, Favre led them all to safety. Returning to his St Louis precinct, Favre rested in the knowledge his job was done. But after his meeting with the dog – who he was to call ‘Bella’ – his life’s journey had just begun!
Since adopting Bella, many years ago Favre’s time with the dog has flashed before his eyes. But in that short time he says the pair were, ‘inseparable. On adventures, on walks around the neighborhood, or sitting by the fire at home’.
Unfortunately , on 10th of May 2019, Bella went to heaven and Favre was heartbroken!
Today we donated her unused cancer meds to other families who might not be able to afford the prescription.
If able, consider a donation to @StrayRescue, who provided initial med care to Bella when she was rescued.
They do incredible work for dogs like Bella Every. Single. Day. pic.twitter.com/w9rdGt27kS
— Gregg (@GreggFavre) May 10, 2019
Finally, if youve come this far in this thread, please watch this short clip.
Since her diagnosis 4 months ago, I’ve said this poem to Bella on every walk we’ve taken.
As I held her last night, before she slipped away, I told her once more, “heart to chest.”
Goodbye my friend. pic.twitter.com/sWuH4cZtYo
— Gregg (@GreggFavre) May 10, 2019
The retired fireman took to Twitter to send a message to other pet owners about the pain of loss!

“We’ve had dogs in & around our family my whole life,” he wrote. “They are all loved and special in their own ways.But the bond that Bella and I had together was incredible.We could communicate with glances and head nods. My wife would joke that it felt like we were ganging up on her.
“As life came crashing against our door –grad school, promotions, loss, injury & sickness– our routine stayed the same. She was always grounding. Always loyal. My point to all of this is that love & loss go hand in hand. Bella & I made the most of our time & I hope that in your life, you are cultivating your own brand of joy.”
Bella died in Favre’s arms after a long battle with cancer. Favre has donated Bella’s medical treatments to a charity in the hope that they can be re-administered to dogs with similar conditions!
He also asked that any donations in memory of Bella are made to Stray Rescue, a St Louis rescue centre for animals in need of medical attention. Stray Rescue restores the health of dogs and cats and then puts them up for adoption.