When it comes to our dog friends, they are great and smart companions with funny and sweet characteristics. So, we love owning a dog, and we consider him a member of our family. But if you are a dog owner, you understand that dog shedding is the biggest problem you have to face when living […]
Dog New
20+ Convincing “Yes” For Those Who Ask Themselves “Should I Get a Dog?”
Should I get a dog? It’s a simple question, but many people fail to find the answer. Dogs can give unconditional love and loyalty, bring you much joy, and even help reduce stress after a hard or busy day. Being a dog owner may be the greatest thing, but it’s also a big responsibility because […]
12-Year-Old Kid Makes Stylish Bow Ties For Shelter Cats And Dogs To Help Them Get Adopted
Meet Darius Brown, a 12-year-old boy from New Jersey who has come up with a creative idea to help abandoned animals get noticed and get adopted faster. Despite his young age, he has developed a love for fashion and understood that his passion could benefit dogs and cats in need. For this reason, he became […]
This Dog Has Hilarious Reaction When His Family Got A New Puppy Without Asking Him First
This sweet puppy named Kevin has lived with his family for four years, and all members of the family love him so much. That is the reason why he always likes to gain everyone’s attention. CARLEIGH JOHNSON STROUP “Kevin is so sweet and loving,” Stroup told The Dodo. “We can never lay down without him […]
Stray Dog Walks To Pharmacy And Asks For Help Her Injured Paw
Banu Cengiz, a pharmacist in Turkey, was recently taken by surprise after seeing a street dog wandering expectantly in front of her pharmacy. The dog stood at the door with a feeble expression and looked at Banu Cengiz as if he wanted to say something. “She was looking at me,” Cengiz told The Dodo. “I […]