On his way home to Missouri after a fishing trip in Arkansas, a man named Bill pulled into a rest stop to throw away some trash and use the bathroom. He thought that he would only be gone for a minute, so he left the car running with the door open. Nevertheless, when he came […]
Dog New
Cruel Teens Break This Dog’s Legs And Set Him On Fire, But He Survives And Still Loves People
This heartbreaking story happened a few years ago, but we can’t forget it. A little dog named Chunky was abducted from his owner by four teenagers and tortured in diabolical ways. “This was the most disturbing case I have ever dealt with—by an absolute mile,” Caroline Doe, an RSPCA inspector, told Honest To Paws. Image […]
Homeless Dog Carries Bowl Around, Just Wants Someone To Feed Him
The World Animal Awareness Society is a non-profit organization that launched a program called the American Strays Project to help humans raise awareness and respect for animals. This program documented the alarming number of stray animals in the United States and the conditions in which they live to show people how hard life is when […]
Dog Finds Himself All Alone At Shelter After Everyone Else Gets Adopted
Wayside Waifs is a nonprofit humane society and charitable animal shelter in Kansas City, Missouri, whose purpose is to place adoptable companion animals in responsible homes. Last weekend, the shelter held an adoption event in hopes of finding more forever homes for all of the animals at the shelter. By the end of the event, […]
1-Year-Old Chihuahua Dumped At Shelter – Cries Herself To Sleep In Pink Sweater
For a 1-year-old unnamed Chihuahua who was dumped by her owner without any reason, an animal shelter may be a good place to live and recover. However, it is unlike anything you will expect. As soon as the poor dog entered the shelter, she was greeted with the noise, chaos, fear and acrid smell of […]