Every paret has a differet way of showig affectio to their child. Compared to hggig or caressig, kissig a child o the lips receives mixed opiios. For some, kissig a child o the lips may be too mch of a way to show affectio, especially as the child eters pberty.
Global star David Beckham is famos for beig a crazy dad ad is ofte see kissig his yogest daghter, Harper Bechkam.
Whe Harper tred 10, David bega receivig harsh criticism from the olie commity whe he posted a photo of the two kissig o social media.
Some Iteret sers commeted: The girl has grow p, its time to stop kissig her, Its terrible to kiss yor daghter like that, Its beatifl, bt wait, dot kiss yor daghter like that, David Beckham is really skiy. togh, hes bee wared abot this all alog, bt he hast chaged. re yo goig to kiss yor daghter til she has a boyfried?, It looks really disgstig,
Beckham kissed his daghter sice she was a baby.
However, there are also some parets who sympathize ad flly spport the former Eglad player. They thik, There is othig wrog with parets showig affectio by kissig. Its jst a way of expressig his feeligs, Its great to see sch a close father-so relatioship, Dot thik too mch, David is addicted to his so
s for David Beckham, the father of for childre did ot hesitate to speak ot agaist criticism for his act of kissig his daghter o the lips. He explaied: Im very affectioate with childre, thats how Victoria ad I grew p ad raised or childre.
We wat to show love to the kids, ad yo kow, my family is very lovig, he cotied.
I the past, David Beckham opely expressed that he kissed all of his childre. He shared: I got criticized for kissig my daghter o the lips. I kiss all my childre o the lips, except maybe Brookly. Brookly is 18 ad that might be a little strage to her.
However, i may peoples eyes, the former players kiss with Harper Beckham was iappropriate.
Footballer David Beckham ad former Spicy Girl Victoria Beckham are cosidered the dream cople of the etertaimet idstry. The cople has bee together for 23 years ad has for childre: Brookly, Romeo, Crz ad Harper.
mog them, the yogest Harper is the oly daghter ad receives a lot of pamperig from her parets ad sibligs.
From the momet she was bor, Harper was cosidered a pricess with a silver spoo i her moth, becomig the ceter of media attetio.
t pberty, Harper appeared as a beatifl yog woma with log blode hair, tall statre, ad showig more ad more of her persoality. However, whe she was with her father, Harper was still a little pricess, pampered to the max.
4SpaishWith a world-famos soccer player father ad a siger ad fashio desiger mother, Harper Beckham has experieced may activities of self-discovery, from attedig the best fashio shows i the world to playig sports ad stdyig art at oe of the most prestigios schools i Eglad , kow as the artistic traiig grod reserved for the aristocracy.
It ca be see that David Beakham ad his wife ivest all their efforts i their little pricess, creatig the coditios for her to develop her talet to the fllest. Frthermore, the cople also raises their daghter very strictly.
Few people kow that Victoria has strictly prohibited Harper from wearig makep whe she goes ot, except o special occasios. dditioally, the -list cople also sets rles abot their childs datig ad cotrols the cotet the child posts o social media.
We are strog ad strict parets. Bt we are like most parets. We love or childre ad we oly wat the best for them, the father of for shared.
Yolo Beckhams 12-year-old daghter is prohibited from wearig makep whe goig ot