Dogs of the popular pitbull breed had mixed reactions. Thanks to the media, they are widely considered “fighting dogs” and dangerous for the people around them. This is why people often try to avoid these dogs, and an elderly woman from Sweden was no exception to the rule. Every time she saw the pitbull Simba belonging to her neighbor Arjanit Mehana, she was afraid.

Arjanit tried several times to introduce her to her dog, but the old woman never agreed to let him approach her. But later, the old lady and the pitbull became the best friends in the world, and here’s how it went.

One day, Arjanit and Simba came back from a walk. They entered the entrance and Simba suddenly dragged the owner to the door of the old lady’s apartment. The boy tried to hold the dog, but Simba began to desperately cling to the door. The door opened and Arjanit heard a faint voice calling for help from the apartment.
Once inside, the owner and the dog found a neighbor in the corridor who had had an accident – an elderly woman had fallen and broken her hip. The victim sat on the ground for two days without being able to move, and during all this time, no one remembered her.

e called an ambulance, and while they were waiting for the doctors, the old lady thanked Simba for his help, calling him a “kind and sweet dog”. Since then, she is no longer afraid of the pitbull and, when she meets him, she gives him a little slap on the head and talks to him.
After hearing about the incident, the other residents brought the dog treats and toys to express their gratitude for his good deed.