A German Shepherd adopted an orphaned goat after seeing him for the first time; the dog treated the goat as her own child. Although the circumstance appears strange, the dog serves as a reminder that while humans act rationally, dogs respond instinctively. And at that very moment, her motherhood became an untameable force. Even though […]
Archives for March 2024
Beautiful Survivor: Abused dog with an unusual smile captivates hearts, a testament to resilience and beauty.
When Zipper came at a shelter after being discovered walking the streets as a stray, employees saw that the 8-year-old canine was unique. She’s a nice, sociable, ordinary dog — except she has a malformed jaw, which gives her the most adorable, one-of-a-kind grin. Zipper’s unique smile appears to have no effect on her, according […]
Joyful Reunion: Formerly blind dog ecstatically sees his dad’s face again after surgery, a moment of pure happiness.
For the past several months, this dog named Bob lived in a world obscured. What began as a mild case of cataracts in both of Bob’s eyes eventually worsened to the point where he couldn’t see at all. Bob had gone blind — and it weighed heavy on his spirit. “He became quieter, afraid of […]
Brave Rescue: Volunteer firefighters save dog tossed into rushing waters by heartless owner, true heroes in action.
When someone spotted a dog trapped in Lake Wister Dam, Oklahoma, they knew they had to do something. The only way the dog could’ve gotten there is if she swam upstream or was thrown in by someone who didn’t want her. The latter seemed most likely. A woman named Madison Reneè posted a video of […]
Sacrificial Love: Dog risks everything to save a tiny kitten’s life, an inspiring act of selflessness.
We have seen humans rescue animals a lot, today we will see an animal rescue another animal. On multiple occasions, we have talked about cats and dogs being rescued by superhero humans who bring actual, positive change in the balance. They rescue animals to counter the terrible acts of the evildoers who abandon these animals. […]