Archives for February 2024
“Dramatic Entrance: Woman Delivers Baby on Townhouse Floor After Hospital Turned Her Away.”
Tara Luce, 28, says she started experiencing irregular contractions on Dec. 20 around 8 a.m. CST. It was a very cold day, with a wind chill value around –40. She and her husband Mitchell made the 45-minute drive to Yorkton and arrived at the hospital around 2 p.m. “They asked me to go shopping or […]
Lealtad inquebrantable: la perdurable historia de Hachiko, el perro leal
Conociendo la historia real detrás de esto, Hachiko: A Dog’s Story (2009) se hizo en una especie de estilo documental escenificado, similar al tipo de películas que se ven a menudo en los canales de documentales (por ejemplo, NatGeo), aunque sin un narrador tan común. en documentales, e incluye actores conocidos (Richard Gere, Sarah Roemer […]
“Striving for Balance: Mother of Two Boys Aims for a Girl, Astonishingly Welcomes Quintuplets.”
Joshua and Megan Hulen, from North Dakota (USA), didn’t expect their family to grow so much. The two were already parents to little Jacob, 7, and Matthew, 2, when they decided they would try for one more baby in the hope of having a girl. However, to the couple’s surprise, Megan was pregnant with quintuplets. The mother […]
“Revealing 10 Remarkable Figures Born in Extraordinary Circumstances Throughout History.”
Oпce a wise maп said, ‘Sadпess flies away oп the wiпgs of time.’ She is called Ja. She says that she is faciпg a serioυs problem of a child that she gave birth to, aпd people call her a wolf becaυse of the fat oп her body. It all started aboυt three years ago wheп […]