Samuel Flores noticed a Great Pyrenees sitting by itself and looking dejected as he passed past the Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery. He felt obligated to check on the dog to see how he was doing, but when he did, he was horrified by what he discovered. The mournful dog was really watching over the […]
Archives for January 2024
From Homeless to Happy: Longest-Stay Shelter Resident Finds Joy as he Embraces a Loving Forever Home.
The rescuers who were working to find him a home after he had been neglected for much too long were moved by the smile of an adopted dog. Petey, a dog who was passed over by potential adopters and transferred from a high admission shelter in North Carolina to SPCA Wake in early October, received […]
A Brave Poodle Overcomes Years of Neglect and Abuse.
These words were posted to Facebook by staff at Tri-County Animal Rescue in response to an incident described as one of the most horrendous tragedies Boca Raton, Florida, has ever seen. Sometime during the night, an unknown person threw a tiny, severely neglected dog over the rescue’s fence. She landed by a dumpster and lay […]
Fighting Against the Odds: Rescued Street Puppy Discovers Courage and Hope with a Massive Hernia on her Belly.
Her mass was so large that could not rest comfortably in usual posture. Raahi was street puppy. she was all alone without nobody to care for her. Raahi was extremely tiny and fearless. The Mass that huge from Raahi’s Belly was exceedingly large. It looked like giant tumor. Raahi was immediately taken for medical care. […]
Miraculous Rescue of Eight Malnourished Puppies from a Discarded Bag, A Timely Reminder of the Critical Need for Awareness and Intervention.
Unfortᴜnately, many animalѕ ѕᴜrνiνe in terrible conditionѕ becaᴜѕe they are abandoned, there are people who threaten the liνeѕ of theѕe innocent creatᴜreѕ withoᴜt regard for their ѕᴜffering. Theѕe eight pᴜppieѕ were foᴜnd inѕide a tightly tied garbage bag, malnoᴜriѕhed, diѕtraᴜght and frail, lying in wait for help. Abandoned Argentinian doggo dogѕ in the mᴜnicipality of Brianzolo, in the Italian […]